Fyldron is a country that first claimed itself in the mid 1700s. It has grown a lot since it's government first proclaimed it as a country.
The current president is named Will Laurier and they use a similar government system as The United States of America.
There are 17 provinces within Fyldron and Hazywood resides in Frostford.
Old Ryatria was a quaint little place. Nothing big truly ever happened until 18XX. The Higher Power, Zori, chose a prophet named Lucian. Zori told Lucian exactly how the world was supposed to end and how it all started. It told Lucian to spread Its word and tell everyone Lucian possibly could. Lucian followed the commands and Znori continued to tell him tales of what were to occur. Lucian was mostly hated for telling the people the truth but others rejoiced in having answers to why the world was filled with such darkness. It was all because Zori was just preparing them for the good that would come from the end. The Enligtenment is what Zori called it. Nobody knew how to get to this Enlightenment but Zori's followers trusted that they'd find a way. These people created a religion but once they took that step they were shunned and banished from Ryatria, never to be seen again. Ryatria is still a quiet place with a few passionate followers of the religeon.